The Night Light

I may have avoided every math class possible in college but I do know this equation:

2 year old + new baby sibling + new unkown surroundings = no sleep for Daddy.

When we found out that a 2nd child was on the way, we jokingly put up an eviction notice on the nursery room door for our son Joshua. As the belly got bigger and the due date got closer, the laughing stopped and we might be in trouble.

Instead of being just outside our bedroom door, he was across the house. And instead of his window being just under a street lamp, it was dark after sundown.

We were sure that darkness would be a problem so I went out and bought a new night light. I rushed home to plug it in (in the middle of the day) and that night I realized that buying a night light on clearance has consequences.  This thing doesn’t put out a lot of light. The room is still full of scary shadows but now there’s an orange glow across from his bed.

I was sure that we’d have to find a replacement.

But then he slept through the night just fine. And the next night. And the next.

I snuck a peak at him recently and saw him sleeping peacefully but his little frame was bunched in the corner of the bed where he could see the night light through a gap in the side rail. And that’s when it hit me…

He was able to rest just knowing the light was there. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t showing him everything in the room; he could sleep easy in the shadows because he was looking to the light.

I felt a little silly because I can’t do the same in my soul.

Spirtually speaking, I’d much rather have a powerful night light that scares away the shadows of life and lets me see all my surroundings. I want to be able to know where the threats are and – even better – where they aren’t so I can rest easy. But that’s not how things work around here…

In the book of Exodus (the story of the Israelites fleeing Egypt) it says God went ahead of them as a fire by night to guide them on their journey. A lot of times we find ourselves in the “dark night of the soul” and the shadows seem to overtake us. If you’re in one of those times I’d like to tell you a couple of things:

  1. Most likely I’ll be there soon too so save a seat at the sadness table for me.
  2. Cling to the small glow of dawn. It’s faint and it feels weak but it’s not. The darkness will fade but God’s love endures. Turn your face to it and let it guide you.

Tonight I am looking at my son and hoping that I can learn from him how to sleep in the shadows.

What’s the matter with you?

I’ve been thinking lately about what really matters. Black lives? All lives? They matter? What does it mean to matter?

In school I learned (thanks, mom!) that matter was what made up the universe. It was fuel to be turned to energy, it made up the huge boulders of mountains and the soft skin of babies. It was, google tells us, the stuff of the universe.

When applied beyond science, we use the term “matter” in a similar way – we say things matter when they have significance. When they are a part of building the world, society, culture around us. To me, matter is what persists. It is what it is – through trends and twitterstorms. It’s the real stuff of our lives.

In today’s world of “fake news”, celebrity gossip, and fantasy football it’s easy to spot the difference from a distance. It’s not so easy to see what matters in the moment.

Looking back on just my last 48 hours I can see an embarrassing number of examples where I focused too much on the stuff that so quickly fades away – like the hour I spent trying to remember if Bill Paxton and Bill Pullman had ever been in a movie together. Doesn’t matter. But the 10 minutes that I spent blowing bubbles and giggling with Brenna and Joshua on the driveway early today created a memory that will persist – it’s an experience that… for lack of a better word… matters.

It’s the real stuff. The stuff that cuts through the bullshit and speaks to the truth of our existence. The stuff that’s so easy to see in the future or past but so hard to notice in the present. If only we had some help in recognizing these things… oh that’s right, we do:

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. – 1 Corinthians 13:13

So there we have it. Faith, Hope, Love… those are the 3 things that remain. The 3 things that matter. So…

What’s the matter with you?